Tuesday 27 September 2011

An Introduction to the Main Task.

For my main task, I will have to produce the opening 2 minutes of a Teen Horror film, including the credits.
I will be working in a group with Luke Gray, as i have been for my Preliminary task. The task will involve a lot of research and planning including some audience research, some textual analysis and carrying out the 3 step plan of Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. However I will begin with some research into Horror films in general.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Location Planning, Casting and Storyboarding.

In our lesson today we were asked to begin casting for our preliminary task, find set locations and draw our storyboard.

We began with the idea of casting Ryan Swanell as the character of "Marvin" but he swiftly declined so we are now using Matthew Pawluk.

Luke gray, my partner decided that he was happy to undertake the role of "Mr.Lamp"

We had to decide on locations for our preliminary task. We chose to use the room in the second photo as we feel the tables are positioned in a betetr way and the lighting is alot better.

Luke and I set out to complete our storyboard and filled in locations, angles/movements and camera shots.
We then drew basic ideas of what the shots may look like and any dialogue was also included.

Ideas and the Script for my Preliminary Task.

Today we began writing the script for our preliminary task, we were asked to use a few simple lines of dialogue
as the content is not very important.

Together Luke and I discussed possible Ideas, including how to film for the task,which locations and Actors to use and possible dialogue.

Target grade

On a side note, I found out that my target grade for Media Studies is a B. My Teacher advised me to aim for an A on my Planning and Research Evidence in order to take some pressure off for the exam.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Basic camera angles and movements.

Today we were introduced to basic camera angles and movements through the use of OCR's introductory videos.

It is very helpful for me to have an understanding of these basic elements of film-making, in order to aid me in both my Preliminary and Main tasks. Using these techniques within my own work will not only improve my understanding of the effect these shots have on the audience but they will also improve my end product.

Monday 19 September 2011

3 Step process of Film Production.

In Our 14/09/11 Lesson we learned about the 3 Step process.

Step 1 - Planning/ Pre production
Step 2 - Filming/Production
Step 3 - Editing/Post production

A successful video piece will follow this 3 step process, Following these steps helps in creating an effective piece of media..I spoke with my group and discussed possible ideas for our preliminary task's script.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Getting started

In our first lesson with Mr.Henton we were shown how to set up our blogger account and our KBA email so we can communicate with our teachers. I changed the layout and theme of my blog and set my address as "JackMooreKBA.blogspot.com"

We also set up a slide share account so that we can publish slideshows onto our blog.
Slide share is a very simple website, where presentations can be uploaded with a few clicks.I will use presentations within my research and planning evidence in order to show use of a variety of media.

We were introduced to our Preliminary task which involves story-boarding, filming and editing. The scene we'll be filming includes a character opening a door, crossing the room and sharing a few lines of dialog with another character, the video should include match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

I'm working in a group with Luke gray for the preliminary task and the course.

Sunday 11 September 2011